Conference Themes
Inspiring individuals and communities to release the potential that lies within.
A program that recognises the power of communities to unify, heal, and transcend differences. Where everyone feels empowered to contribute to the betterment of all.
Each conference will include large and small group discussions and will feature the arts throughout. Families are especially welcome. In addition to the main program, sessions will be offered for children (5 - 11 years) and junior youth (12 - 15 years) at the same time.
“Let your vision be world embracing.”
Themes relevant to every well-wisher of humanity
Baha’u’llah’s vision for humanity
How are you, and those working alongside you, learning to raise the consciousness of the local population of the spiritual qualities and attitudes that are needed to contribute to the betterment of society?
Distance traversed
What has been the distance traversed in your local area by people from all walks of life striving to apply Baha'u'llah's vision for humanity?
Building vibrant communities
How is the growing culture of worship and service contributing to the transformation of the lives of the people in your local area?
Educational endeavours and the Training Institute
What steps can be taken to ensure that the educational system in your local area caters adequately to both the spiritual and intellectual needs of the whole community from childhood to adulthood?
Contributing to social transformation
In what ways are the community-building endeavours helping to raise consciousness and overcome the social, economic and cultural barriers impeding spiritual and material progress?
Join with friends, families, colleagues, and neighbours, in urban and rural settings across Australia, to explore a unified vision for the betterment of the world.
A Global Community
A collection of films illustrating the worldwide efforts of thousands of local communities in urban and rural settings to translate Baha’u’llah’s vision for humanity into action.